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Would you like to learn more about blogging with students?  The Edublogs team is running a free course on blogging with students.

Global2 is the Department of Education and Training blogging platform which is hosted on CampusPress by the Edublogs team.  All step by step instructions in the series are with Edublogs and CampusPress users in mind.


Whether you are new to blogging, or want a refresher on all of the features that blogging can offer, come join the four week crash-course and the Edublogs team will guide you through the process of blogging with students.

The course covers:

  • Setting up class and student blogs
  • Teaching quality comments and posts
  • Working with widgets
  • Images, copyright, and creative commons
  • Connecting with other classes
  • Tons more! including mobile apps

How Does It Work?

The Edublogs Teacher Challenge is completely free of charge.

Each Teacher Challenge session lasts for 30 days, with 2-3 tasks per week that will be sent to you via email. The first challenge is sent when you signup.

When you finish the Teacher Challenge, you receive a badge to proudly display on your blog and a certificate of completion which you can use towards your professional development hours.

Thanks to Sue Waters for the post and the course.

Enrol For Free Now!