by Sandy Phillips | Apr 10, 2013 | Reading, Uncategorized
Pride and Prejudice has come out on top in a survey of UK English teachers’ top 100 books for children – but only because the subject is dominated by female staff, a senior teaching expert has said. The Jane Austen classic appeared ahead of other English...
by Sandy Phillips | Apr 9, 2013 | Uncategorized
Looking at these game sites its hard to resist something that is “free” and all there for you. One caution with some of these sites is to always look for the chat and social networking within. If the site has one it does present a risk and some difficulty...
by Sandy Phillips | Apr 5, 2013 | Uncategorized
You know when you get an email and it looks a bit dodgy. ….Well I am not sure of the original source, the validity of the reference or even if it’s true but hey Why not? Pity there are no kids at school but I think in a way we have made this a sort of...
by Sandy Phillips | Apr 3, 2013 | Uncategorized
In some countries the concept – not to mention the use – of teacher appraisal sparks discussion just about wherever and whenever it is mentioned. According to what criteria? Who decides? And what should the results of teacher appraisals be used for? The third...
by Sandy Phillips | Mar 21, 2013 | Uncategorized
This blew me away when my colleague Peter Maggs sent it to me. Its simplicity yet seemingly clever results. For years in my work I have sort out the perfect search and clustering has always interested me. Clustering is where the results are clustered under themes or...
by Sandy Phillips | Mar 20, 2013 | Uncategorized
PISA is an international study that was launched by the OECD in 1997. It aims to evaluate education systems worldwide every three years by assessing 15-year-olds’ competencies in the key subjects: reading, mathematics and science. To date over 70 countries and...