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Aladdin’s Cave of Educational Riches

Doorways hold a fascination for many. As a tourist in faraway places I loved to photograph doors and doorways. One of the problems of being a tourist is that you rarely have access through fascinating private doorways and, unless you stay with locals, never do see...


Tagxedo ‘turns words — famous speeches, news articles, slogans and themes, even your love letters — into a visually stunning tag cloud, words individually sized appropriately to highlight the frequencies of occurrence within the body of text.’...

Online sticky notes

When sticky notes came in, it made organization a lot easier. Notes could be written and stuck on desks, books, calendars  reminding people of all the things that had to be done. These would include telephone messages taken by admin staff etc. Now online tools  offer ...

Live Writer

Live Writer is a great program to introduce students to Web 2.0 technology without having to be ‘online’. It is good practice to store important information on your computer and Live Writer helps you to do that. One application might be for travellers who...