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Read, Write, Think

Read Write Think is a site from the UK that offers a collection of online Student Materials to support literacy learning in the P-12 classroom. While this site includes lesson plans and web resources, I have found the most useful aspect of the site to be the Student...


Tagul is a resource similar to Wordle. However, Tagul allows users to sign up, save Taguls and embed them into webpages. Gorgeous tag clouds Here is some information from the Tagul website: Tagul is different …Wordle clouds cannot be used as in the way tag...

Bloom’s Taxonomy in the Digital Age

Most teachers are probably familiar with the Bloom’s Taxonomy model which details the six levels of thinking from lower to higher level thinking (remembering, understanding, applying, analysing, evaluating, creating). Mike Fisher, an American instructional coach...

Connect and SLAV Web 2.0 Competition

Are you doing some wonderful work connecting students using web 2.0 applications in your classroom … or keen to start? You might be interested in entering the Connect and SLAV web 2.0 competition 2009. What do you need to do? Work in a team to create a unit of...

Creative Commons

Stumbled across this great blog post about Creative Commons in a Australian Education context via an Ed Tech Crew podcast.  Some excellent information about where to find  Creative Commons Licensed materials and how to use them. This is very handy especially when your...