Whilst this looks like it is all technology “company” focused it is actual also for schools who have done great stuff improving learning because of the work they have done with their use of Technologies. Can you tell me some? Can you nominate some? Please stand up and take a bow if it is your school – Nominate yourself
In order to provide an opportunity for more organizations to participate in the IMS GLC Learning Impact Awards 2014, we are conducting a regional finalists competition in Australia.
The Australian Regional LIA Competition will culminate at the Idea13 Conference in Melbourne Australia, the 12-13 November 2013. Nominations will be accepted until 10 November 2013
Process for Competing in the Australian Regional Learning Impact Competition:
1 ) Submit your entries for the Australian Regional Competition by 10 November 2013. Only entries from the Australia will be accepted for the Regional Competition.
2) Finalists will be notified and invited to present their product/service.
3) Winners of Regional Finalist Competition of the IMS GLC Learning Impact Awards will automatically be a finalist in the IMS GLC Learning Impact 2014 Awards and Recognition Program and will be invited to participate in the LIA Showcase at Learning Impact 2014 in San Diego, California
Find out more about the Learning Impact Awards and Recognition Program