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Check out the Teaching and Learning Cycle

Following the latest twitter stream today I noticed the Learning and Teaching Cycle had been tweeted and thought the following resources may be useful. Its a great resource to share with your staff. Follow the link to the Ultranet’s  Teaching and Learning Cycle ...

Introduce your students to SuperClubs Plus

SuperClubsPLUS is an educational online learning space where students aged 6-14 years can connect with other students and learn about safe online behaviours, including working to achieve their ‘Safe Online’ Star Awards. The Department, in partnership with Intuitive...

Welcome back to a new school year.

Looking back over last year we can see Global2 has increased in new users fivefold. With over 61,000 comments across global2 blogs last year we can look forward to a bigger blogging year to come. Global2 has many great teacher contributors and this year we would like...

Sharing school stories for 2011

Global2 is highlighting your stories over the last weeks of this school year. Let us know if you have a story to share. This post features the work of Take a look into Bellaire Primary School and the wonderful world of Prep H. A team...

Global2 Gallery

The Global2 Gallery is now available. The Global2 Gallery ( highlights classroom blogs from DEECD and CEO schools across Victoria. If you would like your classroom blog included on the Global2 Classroom blogroll please email...