by Sandy Phillips | Jan 28, 2014 | Class Activities, Cybersafety, Wellbeing
Safer Internet Day’s theme for 2014 is Building a Better Internet Together. It is celebrated on Tuesday 11th February. In 2013, over 100 countries, 16,000 schools and 10 million people participated in the day. Whilst Victorian schools work to make everyday a...
by Sandy Phillips | Oct 21, 2013 | Class Activities, Digital Literacy, Uncategorized, Web Quests
A great “Tuning in” idea to introduce a new topic for students. OR an excellent assessment tool for students to design and present their learning. Jeff Dunn from @edudemic presents a guide to digital scavenger hunts with the tools and process to get...
by Lou | Mar 15, 2012 | Class Activities
The Student Conference Series is a presentation series dedicated to students presenting topics they are passionate about to a larger audience. Each week students are scheduled to present on different topics from Minecraft to Fjord Ponies. The concept for Students...
by Lois Smethurst | Nov 28, 2010 | Class Activities, Web 2.0
This is a lesson I have used on the way to creating a Wordle or any word cloud for that matter. Usually at the beginning of the year when students are getting to know their new classmates. I have mentioned Wordle in other posts but this blog is about the journey not...
by Paul Stewart | Sep 20, 2010 | Class Activities
The Layar Reality Browser shows what is around you by displaying real time digital information on top of the real world as seen through the camera of your mobile phone. This technology is called Augmented Reality. We augment the real world as seen through your mobile...
by heatherblakey | Aug 11, 2010 | Class Activities, Web 2.0
Do you consider yourself a passionate person? What are the things about which you are passionate? Are you passionate about kids and helping kids learn? Are you passionate about opening up new vistas of experiences and understanding for others which – absent your...