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A great “Tuning in” idea to introduce a new topic for students. OR an excellent assessment tool for students to design and present their learning.
Jeff Dunn from @edudemic presents a guide to digital scavenger hunts with the tools and process to get started.

Getting students to design their own could be a means by which students could demonstrate their understanding and deeper thinking about any learning area – history, science and even literature studies or narratives. A great way to explore learning. Its more than fun (although fun is never a bad thing in learning) it is actually a complex task that can present a students understanding of what they know.

If you’ve got a smartphone or a tablet in your classroom, you’re ready for the adventure to begin! By adventure I mean digital scavenger hunts.

 Digital scavenger hunts should be carefully prepared so don’t rush into them. They’re fun and, if done properly, will get students excited to do another one. If instead students spend the entire time asking you, the teacher, questions … then it’s not ideal. Instead, make sure the hunt is planned out so that the students can only ask questions of each other. That’s likely the best way to keep the active learning process in high gear. Full article