by Sandy Phillips | May 6, 2015 | Challenge, Class Activities, Digital Learning, Digital Literacy, Digital Technologies, Video
My Story My Content Short Film Competition is an initiative of IP Awareness and Australian Teachers of Media (ATOM). It provides primary and secondary school students with the opportunity to make a 60-second short film or animation celebrating local screen creativity,...
by Sandy Phillips | Apr 30, 2015 | Class Activities, Curriculum, Cybersafety, Cybersmart, Digital Literacy, Digital Technologies, Health Education, Research, Web Conferencing, Web conferencing
To register for one or both of these sessions go to We invite you and your students to attend two web conferences targeted at Years 4, 5 and 6 students. Each will be hosted by the Department of Education and...
by Sandy Phillips | Apr 29, 2015 | Class Activities, Creativity, Digital technology, How To, Literacy, New technologies, Professional Learning
Digital technologies can present new and exciting opportunities for students. The Australian Children’s Television Foundation (ACTF) and the Australian Centre for the Moving Image (ACMI) are presenting a series of three script writing workshops for primary and...
by Sandy Phillips | Apr 22, 2015 | Challenge, Class Activities, Data visualisation, Digital Learning, Digital Technologies
Better World Flux was created in Australia to raise awareness for the UN Millennium Development Goals . Teachers and students can create, visualize and share stories that are hidden in the World Bank Open Data. This image presents data showing Australia’s own...
by Sandy Phillips | Apr 15, 2015 | Challenge, Class Activities
Produced by the Department of Veterans Affairs and the ABC this app for iPads and tablets presents the the events of Gallipoli as and where they happened in a 3D map space. From the first sightings of British Naval ships by Ottoman platoons and the unfolding chaos of...
by Sandy Phillips | Mar 30, 2015 | Class Activities, Digital Technologies, Professional Learning, Video
The Digital Deck presents digital resources, providing an overview, how to get started, and ideas for the classroom. For the full version of Digital Deck, visit Digital Deck 5: What is… Debut Video Capture? Debut is an...