by Sandy Phillips | Jun 18, 2015 | Arts, Class Activities, Curriculum
The Artists in Schools project funding is available to schools for 2015. Information sessions are being held across Victoria and online. Details here – Applications for the Artists in Schools funding program are due Tuesday 8...
by Sandy Phillips | Jun 17, 2015 | Arts, Class Activities, Curriculum
Information Sessions for teachers and artists about the Artists in Schools funding program are being held in June and July across the Victoria. The Department of Education and Training, funded Artists in Schools funding program provides opportunities for professional...
by Sandy Phillips | Jun 1, 2015 | Arts, Class Activities, Curriculum, Digital Literacy, Digital technology, Geography, Health and Physical Education
Common Sense Media have curated and shared resources created by Graphite featuring some great apps and websites which enable students and teachers to create content. Making something from scratch is a great skill to have. It requires confidence and imagination. For...
by Sandy Phillips | May 27, 2015 | Class Activities, Cybersmart, Digital Literacy
Just a quick reminder to schools that the ‘Making Good Choices’ webinar session tomorrow for grades 4, 5 & 6 starts at 9:30 tomorrow morning, 28th April. All schools are welcome. It is also a good professional learning session for teachers. If you...
by Sandy Phillips | May 27, 2015 | Challenge, Class Activities, Curriculum, Digital Learning, Digital Literacy, Literacy, Online Projects
The Children’s book council of Australia have published the Book of the Year Awards Short List 2015 There are many great books on that list and I am sure you have read many in your classrooms (and the other places you like to read)! This list provides a great...
by Sandy Phillips | May 20, 2015 | Class Activities, Digital Learning, Digital Technologies, Mathematics, Online Projects, Wikis
Mark Warner suggested the following idea on the site Teaching Ideas Its a great idea but I am going to suggest to do it using the global2 wiki tool to add to and deepen the learning. Why use the wiki when it is so much easier to do on paper? It enables students to...