by Sandy Phillips | Aug 6, 2015 | Challenge, Class Activities, Science
National Science Week is Australia’s annual celebration of science and technology. Running each year in August, it features more than 1000 events around Australia, including those delivered by universities, schools, research institutions, libraries, museums and...
by Sandy Phillips | Jul 27, 2015 | Class Activities, Curriculum, Digital Literacy, Digital technology
How do we teach young children about social media? There is no one way, as the teachers who are using Global2 know. A New York teacher Jennifer Aaron tweets with her very young students at PS 150. “We tweet as a whole class three times a week,”she told the New York...
by Sandy Phillips | Jul 22, 2015 | Challenge, Class Activities, Digital Learning, Digital Stories
To enter My Story My Content, students must create a 60-second short film and submit it into one of the following two categories: Primary Schools/Students Secondary Schools/Students Entries must be based on this year’s theme: ‘Movies Matter’. Your film must be about...
by Sandy Phillips | Jul 3, 2015 | Challenge, Class Activities, Student activities
The Design Squad site targets kids ages 8 and older and features creative activities, video, interactive games, and contests. The goal is to give kids a stronger understanding of the design process, and the connection between engineering and the things we all use in...
by Sandy Phillips | Jun 26, 2015 | Class Activities, music
Even if you have only one iPad there are still lots of ways you can use it with your students, especially if you can plug it into a data projector and speakers. Midnight Music have presented 18 practical ideas for teachers. Go to teh link for the full list of ideas....
by Sandy Phillips | Jun 24, 2015 | Challenge, Class Activities
Schools are invited to participate in the 2015 Victorian CANstruction project, a unique philanthropic, artistic, engineering project supported by GASCO. This project enables teams of up to 10 students the opportunity to learn more about Maths and Science principles...