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Digital Technologies Curriculum L7-8 Creating Digital Solutions

Content Description

  • Define and decompose real-world problems taking into account functional requirements and sustainability (economic, environmental, social), technical and usability constraints.
  • Design the user experience of a digital system, generating, evaluating and communicating alternative designs.
  • Design algorithms represented diagrammatically and in English, and trace algorithms to predict output for a given input and to identify errors.
  • Develop and modify programs with user interfaces involving branching, iteration and functions using a general-purpose programming language.
  • Evaluate how well student-developed solutions and existing information systems meet needs, are innovative and take account of future risks and sustainability.


Lesson Ideas

Online Resources

CS Unplugged

  • 15 Lesson Plans for Making Students Better Online Researchers: the internet is one of the first places that students turn to when asked to conduct research, however it is important that they know how to navigate it correctly and quality assure what they are using. These lesson plans will help students develop skills to be better online researchers. Global Digital Citizen Foundation
  • Phylogenetics: Bioinformatics is a discipline that combines computer science and biology. It uses the algorithm, technology and statistics to solve problems for biology. In this activity, students participate in the process of reconstructing a phylogenetic tree and explore several core concepts making connections in biology or maths. CS Unplugged
  • Line Drawing: computers draw lines and circles during common tasks, but how does it know which pixels to darken to create the line? This activity shows how an algorithm could be used to do it quickly. Joshua Scott
  • Cryptographic Protocols: this activity explores Boolean logic, functions and problem solving. CS Unplugged
  • What is a program?, Understanding programming commands, Applications of programmable systems, The future of programmable systems: use this sequence of lessons to support students to build an understanding of programming and different systems available. The Institution of Engineering and Technology

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