Outreach Virtual Classroom ‘Making good choices online ’ 
The Office of the Children’s eSafety Commissioner is working with us (DET)to offer a range of Virtual Classrooms.
Presentations are usually about 30–40 minutes in length, allow student participation under teacher guidance and include recommended complementary resources.
The presentation will assist students to:
o think before spreading content that may upset others
o consider the best choice of action
o use the TEC – Think, Evaluate, Choose tool to achieve the best outcome for everyone
o to discuss choices with a trusted adult
With the help of classroom teachers, the presentation will feature interactive questions and discussions.
Outreach Virtual Classroom ‘Being a good bystander’
Session 1: Thursday 16 June 2016 11-11.40 am (Room opens at 8am for setup and testing) Register here for ‘Good Choices’ session one
Session 2: Thursday 16 June 2016 (Room opens at 1pm for setup and testing)