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An important, and often overlooked part of using any online space is retiring or relocating it when it is time – sort of like sending your blog to the blogging “farm!” Old and out of date content floating around the web makes your blog look bad and reflects badly on your school and the Global2 community.
Chances are that your students’ individual blogs can follow them right through their time at your school. This is particularly valuable if they are being used as their digital portfolio.

If however they are moving schools and or leaving school completely students may wish to take their blog with them. They will need to export their blog’s content to another space or download significant content.

One idea is to export the blog as a graduation gift to the student. You will need to inform parents of this, where it has been relocated and that you are transferring the supervision of the blog to them. Edublogs is a place that can import the Global2 content and present it as a whole. Instructions are provided here

Edublogs is the same technology as Global2 and has online support for users.

Teachers who have managed a class or professional blog may also wish to delete their blog . Instructions are provided here