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Welcome to any new bloggers who are joining Global2 for the first time and welcome back to those returning from holidays. At this time of the year, many educators set up student blogging accounts. It is really important that teachers get comfortable with how the Global2 service works before they set up any student accounts. There are security settings that vary. Make sure when you start off that you protect your personal information and also the personal information of your students. User names must be unidentifiable and you must ensure you use student school email accounts that are also unidentifiable.

For DET Policy on student email go to

To get started some great support documents have been created and you can access them through the technical support tab above. NB Global2 is an Edublogs Campus  so the tools may be called different things but they work the same way. Technical Support is also available at .

Teachers must have fully informed consent from families to sign up to any online service. This applies to Global2.

Teachers must also have permission from their Principal to bring students onto Global2.

Educating students in and with digital spaces is an important part of contemporary learning but it must be done safely and legally. Global2 provides a space and support for Victorian schools. We want to support our schools to do so but rely on the professionalism of our teachers to apply their behaviours and thinking around the duty of care they provide to their students and apply that to this and all online spaces.

Again welcome to Global2. Happy blogging.