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link to apple websiteHere is a great professional learning opportunity for all of the Mac users out there or those who are thinking of exploring one.

It is especially relevant for teachers in schools with one to one iPad programs.

During Connected Educator Month (CEM), Andrew Del Mastro will deliver 3 sessions to support teachers wanting to create quality resources for their students. These 3 x 1 hour sessions, run via Blackboard Collaborate will focus on producing iBooks using iBooks Author(iBA).

Participants will have to have an Apple Computer with iBooks Author (iBA) installed if they intend to work through the session.

An iTunes U course will also be created to compliment the course which will be best accessed via an iPad.

These sessions will take place on the 16th, 23rd and 30th of October and will commence at 4pm Melbourne time. Make sure you get these in your calendar. To see evolving CEM events go to Connected Educator Month.  All CEM sessions are free.