All of the digital resources licenced for the Ultranet are now all living in FUSE.
Victorian government teachers just need to login to FUSE with their Edumail numbers to access them. They are easily shared with students via link, resource ID or you can physically download them and share them across your network.
Do Catholic teachers have access to FUSE? Please this is great!
FUSE, with most of its resources, is open to the public. Teachers in Victorian Government schools have can log in with their edumail account to also access the additonal functionality in ‘My Desk’ where they can manage and upload resources or create resource packages to share.
You sure do just sign up 🙂
Yes they do Cath, We have attempted to add all Catholic school domains but occasionally miss some once we have added any school from then on all of the teachers and students who use an email with that domain ending are able to create a blog automatically.