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doorway Heather Blakey, Queen of Globalteacher and Hostess of Soul Food cafe, came to visit us today – what an inspiration! It is three years since we last met and her first visit was the catalyst for my blog at Technoscience. That was the beginning of my e-journey, which has included wallowing in wikis, nestling in nings and winging across the world wide web! It’s been a steep learning curve at times and sometimes I wondered whether using web 2.0 tools in maths and science was like knitting with a knife and fork – great tools but for a different purpose.

Since then, I have seen students excited by learning and engaged in “communication, collaboration and creation”. We have opened the doors to the world, by providing opportunitites to connect with students all over the world, interact with experts and seek information from a much greater range of sources. Some of the projects that students have participated in include:

This July, I attended the “Slide2Learn” conference in Shepparton, all about using iPod Touch in the classroom. So now I am on the next phase of my e-journey! What an exciting time to be a teacher! Thanks Heather for opening the door and starting me on my e-journey.