As I do not teach in the primary school at Hawkesdale P12 College, this year, and as we have been involved in a number of projects with the ICT classes that I do teach, our dedicated blogging class time has been greatly reduced this year. Access to computers is another problem, so much so, that we need to look into a 1:1 laptop school program.
To encourage students to continue blogging, a Blogging@Lunch option was given to students at lunchtime on a Tuesday last week.
Despite cold, wintry weather over the last few days, we had a lovely sunny day on the first day it was offered. Despite the fine weather, a number of students came in to the computer lab, to take advantage of the opportunity. There was a range of age groups represented, from newbie 8 year olds through to 14 year olds. This was really pleasing and shows the keen interest students still have in blogging, even after two years of being bloggers. Students checked their comments, responded to these comments or wrote posts. Therefore, the activity will continue on Tuesdays.
nb On the second Tuesday an even larger group of students came in to take advantage of blogging time.