Hi everyone,
I’m a new member to this Global Teacher blog. Enjoying a professional learning day at Horsham West P.S, at the moment we are extending our skills with blogging. Thanks to Heather for travelling up here for the day! Worthwhile. Everything in education is looking very exciting at the moment. We’re loving it.
Thanks for reading, S Koenig
I am delighted to see that you have joined the Global Teacher group and are now posting here Sarah.
Hi Sarah, I am responding with wonderment and awe.
Well done from Sharon
Well done Sarah. Keep up the good work.
Hi Sarah. I visit your site just for your voki.
Sara, I really enjoyed your talk this morning.Thanks.
You can achieve what ever you want in life if you put your mind to it. Live your dreams! Jason and friends
Keep up the great work Sarah
Great to see such talent. Inspirational.
Well done Sarah
from chris
Thank you to everyone for your support. Youhave made my day.
Well done Sarah
What ist the weather like in the Wimmera
My first attempt at blogging!! A bit like “all dressed up and nowhere to go” !!
However, i’m sure that i’ll soon get the hang of it ( just a matter of finding the TIME) Anyone into native orchids?