by Kathleen Morris | Feb 25, 2019 | Challenge, Global Projects
This is a guest post from Victorian teacher and blogger, Kathleen Morris. All teachers and students in DET schools have free access to Global2. This is a network to create blogs or websites that has been established for over a decade. It’s powered by CampusPress which...
by mrpbps | Feb 21, 2011 | Global Projects
Are you looking for a chance to participate in a global collaborative project established by school students to halt the destruction of important rainforests, create a permanent home for orangutans, and save the planet? On March 3, DeforestAction is running three...
by Kathleen Morris | Nov 9, 2010 | Blogs, Global Projects
At the start of Term Four, I launched an exciting global project with my grade two students. As I have previously blogged about, I have found global projects to be one of the richest ways to use technology in the classroom. My class has collaborated globally with...
by kerry | Sep 2, 2009 | Uncategorized
Follow Kate Leeming as she cycles over 20000km across Africa, highlighting social issues along the way. The trip commences in October this year and continues until June 2010. As Kate says: The purpose of the project is to learn firsthand about the causes and...
by kerry | Aug 12, 2009 | Web 2.0
Are you doing some wonderful work connecting students using web 2.0 applications in your classroom … or keen to start? You might be interested in entering the Connect and SLAV web 2.0 competition 2009. What do you need to do? Work in a team to create a unit of...