by mrpbps | Feb 19, 2011 | Blogs
Regular bloggers will know of the extensive work of Global2 member Anne Mirtschin. Anne’s school is one of the biggest volume users of Global2 and Anne’s On an e-journey with Generation Y has been regularly nominated as an edublogs blog of the year. What...
by Kathleen Morris | Jan 24, 2011 | Blogs, Global Projects
Last week, Chris Betcher interviewed Linda Yollis and Kathleen Morris (McGeady) about classroom blogging and collaboration on The Virtual Staffroom podcast. Topics covered include: tips for beginning bloggers, global projects with blogs, cyber safety, keyboarding,...
by Kathleen Morris | Jan 17, 2011 | Blogs, Global Projects, Web 2.0
Cross posted from Kathleen Morris’ blog – Integrating Technology in the Primary Classroom. Most of you will know how passionate I am about blogging in the classroom. Since I started blogging with my students in 2008, I have come to realise how enormous the...
by Kathleen Morris | Dec 7, 2010 | Blogs, Uncategorized
Congratulations to all Global Teacher and Global Student blogs shortlisted and to those who were nominated! How proud we are that so many of our globalstudent or globalteacher bloggers have been acknowledged globally, in the final nominations for the Edublogs...
by Kathleen Morris | Nov 9, 2010 | Blogs, Global Projects
At the start of Term Four, I launched an exciting global project with my grade two students. As I have previously blogged about, I have found global projects to be one of the richest ways to use technology in the classroom. My class has collaborated globally with...