by Sandy Phillips | Nov 27, 2013 | Uncategorized
A valuable resource can be found at APPitic. The site presents lists of educationally relevant Apps which are presented for iPads but could be a reference for other tablet users. This particular link presents well organised apps for teaching and...
by Sandy Phillips | Nov 22, 2013 | Uncategorized
We discuss persuasive text with students and get them to write them. This blog post writen by Gregory Ciotti is a handy resource for teachers to invesitgate the words that persuade us to buy. Great resource for digital literacy, critical thinking and simply writing...
by Sandy Phillips | Nov 21, 2013 | Uncategorized
Australian vocational education and training statistics The Australian vocational education & training statistics have released the findings around the likelihood of completing a VET qualification 2008–11 Highlights For qualifications commencing in 2011 The...
by Sandy Phillips | Nov 20, 2013 | Uncategorized
Kayne Tremills from ABC3 presents this action-packed live event all about Vikings! He’s roped in Viking expert Dr Stephen Gapps, curator of ‘Vikings – Beyond the Legend’ and a village full of Viking re-enactors. Find out what Vikings ate for dinner,...
by rcrellin | Nov 18, 2013 | Digital Literacy, Health and Physical Education, Pedagogy, Uncategorized
Research fromLiz Weir at the ACU looks at how iPads complements the teaching of Physical Education in the Bachelor of Education (Primary) course and develops the acquisition of movement skills, concepts and strategies that enables the pre-service teacher to...
by Sandy Phillips | Oct 29, 2013 | Uncategorized
‘Essential questions’ are all too often lower order. And not that essential suggests notosh The Why Every topic, every bit of learning has content that can be Googled, and we don’t want teachers wasting precious enquiry time lecturing that...