by Sandy Phillips | Aug 4, 2014 | Assessment, Challenge, Class Activities, How To, Web 2.0
Matt Renwick presents some compelling ideas about Why digital portfolios are important for students …. He begins With the spreading use of computers and mobile technology in schools, going digital with student portfolios has become more popular. Simply put,...
by Sandy Phillips | Jul 22, 2014 | Class Activities, Digital Learning, Digital Stories, Digital Technologies, How To, Online Projects, Video
ABC Heywire is calling for stories by Year 10, 11 and 12 students from regional Australia. Stories can be in text, video, audio or photo format. 30+ winners will get their story on the ABC and win a trip to the Heywire Summit. Entries close 16 Sept 2014. For details...
by Sandy Phillips | Jun 23, 2014 | Challenge, Class Activities, History, How To, Online Projects, Online Resources
Historypin is a web 2.0 tool that allows students to explore it contribute to it and curating stuff on it. The site allows students to take images, build a story, set it within real locations (Google Map allows placement anywhere in the world) and authentic sharing...
by Sandy Phillips | Jun 12, 2014 | Class Activities
There is great excitement in the air around one of the world’s big sporting events, The World Cup. Australia is in a tough group – Group B but how tough is it for other countries? Oxfam has produced some educational resources for teachers to use...
by Sandy Phillips | Jun 3, 2014 | Challenge, Class Activities, Digital Learning, Digital Stories, Video
ABC Splash are running their 90 second news challenge for students. For full details Students are asked to: Decide on your story using the theme: ‘What do we need to know about your community in 90 seconds’ Use your mobile phone or digital camera. Plan what you...
by Sandy Phillips | Jun 2, 2014 | Class Activities, Online Resources
Dipity is a simple to use timeline tool for both you and your students to use to organise the sequence of events or dates of any topic you are working with. You get 3 for free and of course you could upgrade. Some ideas include a history...