by Sandy Phillips | Mar 26, 2015 | Challenge, Class Activities, Curriculum, Digital Learning, Digital Literacy, Digital Stories, Digital technology
The Australia Centre of the Moving Image (ACMI) are presenting a Screen It 2015 Videoconference Series This free, video conference series allows students and teachers to discover what makes a winning Screen It entry. The sessions are being repeated (for those of you...
by Sandy Phillips | Mar 18, 2015 | Class Activities, Digital Pedagogy, How To
Most of you will know TED talks, but did you know there is a fantastic tool for teachers to support them to create their own digital lessons?. It allows you to take an online resource and building your own teaching and learning around them for your students....
by Sandy Phillips | Mar 6, 2015 | Class Activities, Digital Technologies, Web conferencing
Do you have a sister school or an expert you want to invite to speak to your students? or work with your staff? You dont have to get into a bus, car (or plane sadly!) You could use Vitural Conferencing. Virtual conferencing can be accessed via the internet and allows...
by Sandy Phillips | Feb 23, 2015 | Class Activities, Digital Technologies, iPads
iTunes U for schools One of the device choices for schools undertaking a 1-to-1 program is an iPad, using a variety of apps and the potential of bulk purchasing iBooks for students. One of the challenges for educators has been to connect the content and the learning....
by Sandy Phillips | Dec 18, 2014 | Class Activities
The Victorian School Holidays will start on 22 December – Here is some information you can share with your parents to enteACMI – Kids’ Flicks – Smart films for smart kids. Our fun-filled Kids’ Flicks program is guaranteed to delight and...
by Sandy Phillips | Oct 27, 2014 | CEM Events, Class Activities, Cybersafety
This Virtual Conference is hosted by the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (DEECD Victoria) All schools are welcome Date/time: Thursday 4 December 2014, 10 am – 10.40 am. Audience: Years 4, 5 and 6 students. To register you and...