by Sandy Phillips | Jun 3, 2014 | Challenge, Class Activities, Digital Learning, Digital Stories, Video
ABC Splash are running their 90 second news challenge for students. For full details Students are asked to: Decide on your story using the theme: ‘What do we need to know about your community in 90 seconds’ Use your mobile phone or digital camera. Plan what you...
by Sandy Phillips | Apr 28, 2014 | Assessment, Challenge, Digital Learning, Digital Literacy, Digital Pedagogy, Literacy, Professional Learning
If any teachers out there have had the experience (as I have) of getting back student assignments that are clearly a copy and paste from the web you have to stop and do an analysis. – a self-analysis. What did I ask them to do? It’s too late to turn off the internet...
by Sandy Phillips | Mar 27, 2014 | Arts, Challenge, Curriculum, Digital Learning, Digital Stories
Screen It is the Australian Centre of the Moving Image’s (ACMI) nation-wide competition for primary and secondary students. It encourages and fosters young moving image makers and this year – to celebrate the competition’s 10th anniversary – students are asked...
by Sandy Phillips | Mar 11, 2014 | Challenge, Class Activities, Cybersafety, Digital Literacy, New technologies, Wellbeing
You can find full episodes on both iView and Vimeo of the TV show – Don’t blame Facebook There is something NQR about. But it might appeal to others. Would you use it as a teaching resource? Basically it...
by Sandy Phillips | Aug 9, 2013 | Challenge, Uncategorized
Here is a widget I have used to present 5 pictures. The activity I have chosen is to see if students can use these visual cues to tell an story out loud. I would get students to plan their own using a combination of images to prompt the story. You could even record it...
by mrpbps | Jul 25, 2011 | Challenge
Are you looking to extend your understanding of the possibilities offered by the Global2 campus? Are you willing to share your blogging expertise with others? Do you want to further explore the nexus between the Ultranet and Global2? Are you just up for learning more...