Over the term Andrew and I (at North Fitzroy Primary School) have been working with the level four kids devising their own compositions for mixed percussion groups
The key concepts that we taught were:
1. The need for a bassline and its role – to hold the piece down harmonically and rhythmically.
2. A Melody line and what it does – adds character and individual taste to a composition – it’s the thing on top that gives spice.
3. An accompanying part either using a counter melody or chords and what it does – it enhances the melody and provides some substance.
4. An A section and a B section for interest sake – to provide variety for the listeners ear.
5. A Rhythm part.
The kids all worked in small groups of 5 and co-composed all the parts and then each person performed one part. Finally we filmed all the performances and did some quick editing using Final Cut Express
The kids love this and are all very confident in their ideas and with the idea of being able to compose. Marimbas and basic metalaphones are great to use when composing with kids because they are generally diatonic (all in the same key center) so allow kid to instantly play and sound quite good.
I often just encourage them to hit a couple of notes and decide if they like the combination of sounds and then they are off and running. Below is a video link to show the results.