Hi to you all and guess you are looking forward to your hard earned break. As I manage the Global2 space I love seeing the new blogs being created and the fabulous ways that teachers and students are using them in their school.
I do also see the sad unloved ones that just sit and wait to have new and exciting content added to them. There is nothing sadder than a public blog with dead links and very very old news…..:-( It makes your school look not so good and Global2 look pretty awful too.
I have sent an email out to the owners of blogs that have not been updated for two years or more informing them that we are going to change the settings on those blogs to private . This will give owners a change to update the content or close them in private. This will remove any really outdated Global2 information out on the web. We want to look fresh and current!
It it all really exciting to set up and love a blog, but as you set it up it is important to build its retirement into your blogging plan. Deleting or archiving blogs is as easy as a click.