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Digital Technologies Curriculum L5-6 Data and Information
Content Description
- Examine how whole numbers are used as the basis for representing all types of data in digital systems.
- Acquire, store and validate different types of data and use a range of software to interpret and visualise data to create information.
- Plan, create and communicate ideas, information and online collaborative projects, applying agreed ethical, social and technical protocols.
Lesson Ideas
Online Resources
- Home Internet Survey: use this interactive game to support students to explore how data is collected, sorted and represented. As an extension they could start looking at other organisations which collect large quantities of data including the Australian Bureau of Statistics.ABC Splash
- Census at school: use this lesson plan to support students to understand how to analyse large databases. The student template and instructions will guide teaching and learning around how to access the census database and find the required information. Australian Bureau of Statistics
- Text Compression: explores with students how computers have a limited amount of space to store data and information and how they represent it. CS Unplugged
- Databases Unplugged: this activity introduces the idea of database queries and leads to digital based experience as a follow up. Mark Dorling, Digital School House
- Information Salvation: an activity in Information theory explaining the concept of compression for the students. Royal Institution UK and Microsoft Research
- Binary Numbers – Count the dots: this lesson plan will help students to understand how data of all kinds is stored on computers. CS Unplugged
- How Computers Work: an interactive website providing students with information, games, challenges and videos specifically for upper primary aged students. Allow students time to explore the website and share what they discover. Wonderville
- Potato Athletics – Maths, Data and Graphing unit: students will create a Binary Code alphabet and use it to make a statement to summarise their results of an experiment. Vicki Cook
- Binary Baubles: this lesson explores the concept of binary to illustrate how a computer codes data that will be stored for later use. Students will explore computer language and how information can be stored with different combinations of just two choices. Tinkersmith
- The Knight’s Tour Activity: with a focus on graphs, data representation, generalisation and computational thinking, this lesson idea asks students to solve a puzzle where they must find a way for a knight to visit every square on the board exactly once. Paul Curzon
- Explore the Bit by Bit comic: use this comic to help students understanding of binary and how it
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