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For teachers who want to run OR participate in the Connected Educator Month activities this October go to

I have created some tips for running your Connected Educator Month (CEM) event for those keen to have a go!

  • Plan with your audience needs in mind. Think about what stories and ideas will motivate them, build on prior knowledge and help develop their practice. What new information might they need to understand your ideas? How can you find out about your learners’ strengths/needs?
  • Design resources that will include all needs/preferences:  at the very least, provide clear audio and visuals, attend to cultural needs/preferences), provide a link to the documents so people can access them at another time.
  • Provide invitations and space for questions to help participants weave the learning into their own next steps.
  • Consider the guidance that underpins Universal Design for Learning to help you design effective, inclusive learning.

Be clear about the learning outcomes:  

Consider the  Global themes for 2014 for CEM

Choose your online format and tool

Select a format and technology platform that will reach your audience and best support them to engage with your learning focus. You might choose:

CEM Ideas

  • a synchronous event (e.g. webinar, Twitter chat, an open house guided tour of an online space),
  • an asynchronous (online discussion in your blog, new online resource, video using a tool like
  • a blend of both  (e.g. face-to-face workshop with online chat or Google doc).

Some resources available to CEM Victorian Educators

 Virtual Conferencing Connecting to learn – for students and teachers

Blackboard Collaborate  Register as a user of the Virtual Conference Centre by completing the Virtual Conference Centre Moderator Registration Form 

Polycom Vic Gov

Microsoft Lync Vic Gov


Google Hangouts on Air [free, with a Gmail account]

To record any session, check everyone is OK for it to be recorded and shared. If so share the link
Global2  All department educators, staff members, strategic partners and all Victorian P-12 educators are able to register and create their own blog in

This could be a ‘live’ blog during an event, or a blog (or blog series) posted a time(s) that suit you.

Running an online Twitter chat and check out #community chat  from @scootle

Managing shared Google docs [collaboration and creation]

Eventbrite for organising

100 Tools for Learning

Promoting your event

  • Pledge the event  so it appears on the Connected Educator global calendar
  • Share with your audience using your usual communication channels (newsletter, social media, your own networks).
  • Tag/label everything with #cenz14 – and #cem14 and #ceoz14, to reach a global audience – and your own hashtag too, if you have one.
  • Build in a few loyal friends/followers who will support you and kick the event off.

Virtual Conference Centre coaches are available to assist prepare for a virtual conference. Download the Web Conference Coaching Program Overview (docx – 131.16kb)


Use the CEM Evaluation form

Google form for registrations: Open this link, go to File > Make a Copy, add to your Drive, and edit for your event(s)

Evaluation form for all CEM events: Please share this with your participants – and/or adapt for yourselfOpen this link, go to File > Make a Copy, add to your Drive, and edit for your event(s)