#EiGS17 is on Friday 27 October at the Australian Centre for the Moving Image (ACMI) in Melbourne, Victoria. Since 2015 the Summit has brought progressive speakers with highly transferable classroom programs to Australian teachers.
The Department of Education and Training, ACMI and Creative Victoria (@CreativeVic) , #EiGS17 will showcase best practice implementation of games, enabling teachers to effectively and meaningfully activate games in their classrooms.
Have you developed curriculum-based games education activities relevant to primary or secondary classroom teachers and students? Do you have experience in engaging teachers en mass and do you have a strong urge to share and grow education through video games? If you do, please complete the form below. Along with talks focused on constructive application of games in the classroom, we are calling for practical hands-on workshop sessions for the 2017 Education in Games Summit (#EiGS17). Register Here
#EiGS17 will highlight the extensive range of Pre-school, Primary and Secondary learning outcomes games offer across the curriculum including:
• Digital Technologies
• The Arts and Design
• Coding
• Critical and Creative Thinking
• Additional Needs
The Summit will also showcase your ideas and experience around developing Digital Entrepreneurship.
#EiGS17 is held as part of Melbourne International Games Week alongside a range of activities highlighting and advancing Melbourne’s vibrant videogames culture and its internationally renowned games development Industry.