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Teachers teaching teachers! It’s powerful professional learning and a great way to meet others and share experiences. Health & Physical Education Special (all welcome)

Venue: VicHealth Seminar Room,
GF 15-31 Pelham St, Carlton
Date: Wed October 22nd, 2014 5-7 Yes that is tonight

ACHPER is pleased to announce that the 29th ACHPER International Conference will be held in Adelaide, South Australia from Monday April 13 to Wednesday April 15, 2015.

The conference theme ‘Values into Action – A Brighter Future’ provides a directive to inspire educators to consider the potential of what the Health and Physical Education learning area could be in the 21st century.

ACHPER is delighted to announce that online registration is now available, and the submission date for the call for papers has been extended until November 28, 2014.

Registration is now open for the 29th ACHPER International Conference. To find out more information about the registration costs and to register online, please click here.

Call for Papers – submission date extended!

Submission closes on Friday, 28 November 2014

The 29th ACHPER International Conference Program Committee invites submissions for presentations at The Conference theme is ‘Values into Action – A Brighter Future’ with the sub themes listed below. We are delighted that over 60 presentations have been received already and encourage your involvement.