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The most commonly accepted definition of bullying is that it is a form of unprovoked,
aggressive behaviour that involves a real or perceived power imbalance and is either
repeated or has the potential to be repeated over time.

This brief synthesise findings from experimental evaluations of 17 bullying
programs for children and/or youth to determine how frequently these programs
work to improve the outcomes of physical and verbal bullying, social and
relational bullying, bullying victimization, attitudes toward bullying, and being
a bystander of bullying. Most of these programs served school-aged children; only
two focused on children age five or younger.

While the relatively small number of bullying program evaluations limits our ability
to draw generalizations and conclusions, our review suggests a number of initial

  • Programs that involve parents were generally found to be effective.
  • Programs that use a whole-school approach to foster a safe and caring school climate—by training all teachers, administrators, and school counsellors to model and reinforce positive behaviour and anti-bullying messages throughout the school were generally found to be effective.
  • We found mixed results for programs that included social and emotional learning, such as self-awareness, relationship skills, or responsible decision-making. The full paper  by Elizabeth K. Lawner, B.A. and Mary A. Terzian, Ph.D