by mrpbps | Feb 21, 2011 | Global Projects
Are you looking for a chance to participate in a global collaborative project established by school students to halt the destruction of important rainforests, create a permanent home for orangutans, and save the planet? On March 3, DeforestAction is running three...
by Kathleen Morris | Nov 9, 2010 | Blogs, Global Projects
At the start of Term Four, I launched an exciting global project with my grade two students. As I have previously blogged about, I have found global projects to be one of the richest ways to use technology in the classroom. My class has collaborated globally with...
by murch | Oct 11, 2009 | Blogs
This week is global handwashing week. Global handwashing day is on October 15th. My students will be writing a post on this global event and answering these questions as a post:- Why would there be a global handwashing day? What purpose would it have? Write about good...